Sunday, June 19, 2011

3. : 9

On the same night, the boyf and I decided to watch another movie. This time an animated one, produced by Tim Burton and featuring voices of Elijah Wood, Jennifer Connelly and Crispin Glover. (Of course, I didn't know that they did they voices until the credits scrolled up!)

I was a tad skeptical about this movie; I don't know why but I'm always skeptical about animated films. I know the amount of hard work that's been put in the graphics is tremendous, but I just can't help thinking, "Ah, this is just gonna be another family/kids/love cartoon, funny and entertaining, a little touching at the end, same plot almost every time."

Let's face it. Even at the top of my head, I can name several of my favourite animated films and they all feature comedy or love, suitable for kids and adults alike. (Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Monster's Inc., Shrek, Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs, Monsters vs. Aliens, The Incredibles, Up, Wall-E... the list goes on and on.)

But of course, when one sees the name Tim Burton, one is inclined to believe that the film will feature a darker side to it, (Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Bride) the same way one would be inclined to think of gore when the name Quentin Tarantino is mentioned. But I've always found them to be unrealistic and more... supernatural.

9 is different. Of course, it features ragdolls that can speak and move, but it focuses on a solid ground that has nothing to do with ghosts or fantasy.

The storyline is somewhat predictable, but the characters are not actually predictable. It's different from other animation in the sense that you actually need to put some thought in how they would solve their problems in the end.

It actually reminded me of RPGs that I used to play, a particular one in fact, which featured a playable character called Mojo, a human-sized living voodoo doll.

From left to right, that's Sergio, Kid, Mojo and some random character... or is it Leena?

It also reminded me of the game Devil May Cry, some scenes especially.

Okay enough of computer games (I kinda miss playing those games tbh). Back to talking about the film.

After watching this movie, I felt really fulfilled. There is no other word that can describe it. I have watched a lot of movies in my lifetime (I'm only 21 btw but I could easily have watched 150 movies during my lifetime. Probably more.) and some movies have left me feeling unsatisfied, as it's not how I imagined it to be. But 9 is so much better than how I imagined it to be. It's set in a post-apocalyptic setting, and usually I'm not really a fan of this genre (like Terminator:Salvation, War of the Worlds, The Book of Eli, etc) but it's really enjoyable to watch, surprisingly.

All in all, I think it's a good family movie, I really really enjoyed it, and won't hesitate to watch it again. :)

Oh and one more cool thing: it was released on the 9th of September 2009 :D

Loves x

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