Sunday, June 19, 2011

2. : The Black Balloon

Okay so I've been obsessing on models for quite a while now, and one of my favourites is Gemma Ward. Her first stint in acting (according to was in Pink Pyjamas. 7 years later, she acted as one of the mains in The Black Balloon.

The story is mainly about this guy, Thomas, who has an autistic brother named Charlie.

To be honest, I thought it would be a boring movie but it actually turned out to be quite a good one!
Somehow, at the back of my mind, the movie in which Leonardo DiCaprio did not get enough credit for (What's Eating Gilbert Grape?), kept flashing in my mind though I have not watched that movie in aaaaages!
But I guess the theme is similar?

Moving on, I find The Black Balloon to be quite fast-paced, and conflict after conflict kept coming so that the viewers have no time to react to the first one before being ambushed with another.

I can't really say much without spoiling the movie, but acting wise I think Thomas was quite good for an unknown actor (unless you watch the TV Series Home and Away religiously, which also features Charlie). But I gotta take my hat off for Charlie... It must be difficult to act like an autistic person, that has ADHD to boot. The way you walk, the movement of your limbs, it's all different and it is so believable that it's just astounding to watch.

As for Gemma Ward, the reason I wanted to watch this movie in the first place, she plays Jackie, a sweet girl that accepts the fate of Charlie and falls in love with Thomas. She did quite well, except for some scenes in which she could be seen just standing and not doing anything. Well, except for, maybe, looking upset.

All in all, it was a good watch, I don't recommend you watching it with your kids who are under 18 but it really presents family values and the importance of accepting and loving your family even if you hate the living daylights out of them.
I admire the family in the movie, how they fend for each other when the going gets tough...

I think that's about all I can say about this movie.
It did make me think about how lucky I am to be born normal and to have siblings or family members who are normal.
I can't imagine how hard it must be for families taking care of special kids, the amount of patience, time... gosh it's mind blowing.

It was definitely worth my time :)

Loves x

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