Saturday, June 18, 2011

1. : Hi :)


This is my 7354265443287568th attempt in blogging.

Usually it lasts for a few months, even up to 2 to 3 years; my longest was 5 years.
But lately I've lost the mood in blogging,
found it pretty pointless and the idea of people sticking their noses in my thoughts, my emotions and my life... does not appeal to me as much as it did last time.

So what actually resurrected my desire to blog?
Well. To cut it short, I am involved in a LDR.
Nope, that's not a grammar error, because LDR means Long-Distance Relationship, for you grammar nazis out there that might comment of my usage of 'a' instead of 'an'. (Btw, I am one too, - sometimes - hence the feeling that I need to defend myself here? lol)

Yes, and being in a LDR means that the boyf and I can't go out on real dates.
So, no coffee, no dinner, no walks in the park, no cuddling, no holding hands, no looking at each other's eyes while laughing and the list goes on.
To some, of course, the physical activities is not necessary.
But, to me, it's kind of important. Just the physical presence, the chance to be breathing next to each other, that's priceless.

I seem to be deviating from the main topic here.
The point is, when you're in a LDR, it could get stale quick unless you find something interesting to do together while interacting via Skype, Windows Live Messenger, Oovoo, etc. And with the 7-hour time difference, there's not much to be done.

So one fine day, the boyf came up with a brilliant idea.
Why not watch movies, together?
Even though we're not next to each other, at least we're doing something fun, together.

Thus this is why I've decided to create this blog!
To put down my opinion on movies I've watched with the boyf! :)
Like a review, done by a nobody, instead of a real film critic!

(To be honest I think we've watched about 20 movies before I had this desire, so, if I can remember the movies, I'll post it up, but if not... Oh well.)

Okay so here goes!
I hope you find my opinions helpful if you're thinking about a movie but ain't sure on watching it just yet :)

Fuh, that was a lengthy introduction.
Shows you how women talk/think a lot.

Loves x

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