Friday, September 9, 2011

6: Going The Distance

A movie about a couple in a long-distance relationship starring Justin Long and Drew Barrymore.

Initially, one of my good friends, J, recommended this movie to me. I was skeptical, and I kept delaying it, but he kept insisting that I watch it with my boyf. Finally, I did.

What can I say? This movie relates to everything me and the boyf were/are going through.
At first it's funny, quite lighthearted when they are just starting out.
But when it's time for commitment, things get heavier.
Just like us.

Before I headed to the UK, things were all fun, and happy, and light. When I got to UK, things became strained, no thanks to other people who try to get between us and break us apart. Some people will blame the distance, some people will blame each other, but at the end of the day, it is up to ourselves to know whether this is what we want.

Trust, commitment, loyalty, what do these words actually mean?

Can it still be considered to be a relationship when you only see that person every 6 months?

Needless to say this movie definitely left both me and my boyf quiet, thinking if all this waiting is going to be worth it in the end. Of course we love each other. Of course we want to be with each other. But can we go through what we went through again? It's a tough question. And we have been through a lot. Not many people know what we went through exactly of course. All they see is that we're alright. I'm not afraid to say that we do go through disagreements, sometimes it does get serious, but the thought of being together at the end of it all eliminates all fear, anger and tears.

I delayed watching this movie, but I think that if we had watched this earlier in our relationship, it wouldn't have left such a big impact on our thoughts.

This movie made me value my relationship with my boyf even more, not many long distance lovers are lucky like us - like me. We're trying, and hopefully one day we'll get to stop and we'll get through the distance, only to find each other again. Then again, whoever said that a relationship is easy? Even couples who live with each other have problems. You can never stop trying in a relationship. It sounds tedious, but really, it's actually lovely when you finally get to have that quiet, content feeling of just having the person you love and want right beside you.

All in all, the movie is definitely a good watch, I'd recommend it to all of you out there who are unfortunate enough to be having to deal with long distance relationships.

Loves x

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